New Pattern :: Spring Wreath

I have a new pattern ready just in time for Mothers Day (in some countries – why isn’t it on the same day everywhere?) I got this together a bit later than I was planning, but this new pattern is quick to work up so you will be able to finish it in time for Mothers Day next weekend.

Edit: sorry, the pattern is currently not available.

Or you can skip the text and just stitch it for any day. Speaking of the text, as well as ‘mom’ the pattern also includes ‘mum’, ‘mama’, ‘mam’ and ‘mor’. All in the correct size to fit in the wreath. You can also trace the letters to spell out the words ‘amour’, ‘amor’, ‘Roma’ and….any other anagrams from the five letters AMOUR?

The pattern uses the ‘special’ stitches spider web rose and buttonhole heart which I posted tutorials for yesterday. :-)


1 Comment

  1. May 5, 2018 / 1:44 pm

    Very Pretty! You could also stitch the Heart U ! Thank you for posting the spiderweb rose and buttonhole stitch!

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